Hotel PM

Add New Equipment


The heart of the preventive maintenance system is the data entered for each pice of equipment in the hotel. The top of the data entry screen contians basic information needed to identify each piece of equipment. For databases with multiple hotels the hotel name can be selected from the drop down list.

Equipment Manufacturer

An Equipment Code must be selected from the drop down list for each piece of equipment. Equipment codes are defined during the start up process, see Standards under Getting Started. These codes can be tailored to meet the needs of each Hotel PM installation.


A unique "ID Number" must be entered for each piece of equipment. This ID number can be composed of digits and letters with a maximum length of 10 characters. Establishing a consistent numbering system for hotel equipment will make many tasks easier. Equipment ID's can be changed if necessary.


Along with the the ID number a more complete Description of the equipment can be entered into the database. Fields are provided for entering the Location of this piece of equipment and to identify the area of the hotel which it services(Service Area.) This information is included on maintenance work orders so that the staff or contractor is better able to perform the assigned tasks without undue delay or unexpected side effects.


The lower half of the data entry screen is comprised of six tabs that provide for the entry of data associated with this piece of equipment. The first two tabs provide details about the make up of the euipment, specifically manufacturer data and components. the remaining tabs are used to describe the various maintenance tasks associated with this piece of euipment.

Equipment Components

The figure above shows the Manufacturer Tab. On this tab you enter manufacturer data and basic service information as follows:

1. Manufacturer name

2. Model number or name

3. Serial or ID number

4. Installation Date

5. Electric Panel number

6. Breaker number in the panel

7. Other relevant service information

8. Special Instructions for this piece of equipment

The second tab shown in the next figure is the Component Tab. Up to twelve (12) individual components can be entered for each piece of equipment. For each component a description, manufacturer, model, serial number and installation date can be recorded. Components can be motors, compressors, filters, or any other item associated with this piece of equipment. The Hotel PM system provides a central location for storage of information about the hotel's equipment.


The Hotel PM system provides five different preventive maintenance schedules for Equipment. The first four provide service on commonly used time intervals and should cover most of your preventive maintenance needs. These are Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual. The fifth provides for additional service requirements that do not fall into one of the pre-defined intervals, Other Service. While these screens are very similar examples of each appear on the following pages. Data only needs to be entered for intervals which apply to this piece of equipment.


Monthly Maintenance

Quarterly Maintenance

Semi-Annual Maintenance

Annual Maintenance

Other Maintenance

When all data for this piece of equipment has been entered click the Add button at bottom left of the Equipment dtat screen to save this piece of equipment. The system will then present an empty equipment screen for the next piece of equipment. If you don't have any additional equipment to enter at this time click the Close button.


For additional options on entering and maintaining equipment information in the database see the Copy, Edit and Delete commands. under the Equipment List.


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