Hotel PM

Getting Started

Once Hotel PM has been installed on a computer you are ready to begin the process of building the required database, which will describe your hotel(s) to the system. In this portion of the User Guide we will walk through the basic steps required to setup a hotel. This is a unique process, which is usually done only when a system is first installed. We will focus on the process of adding information to the database and establishing system defaults. More complete information on Hotel PM functions and features can be found in the Commands section of the User Guide.


We have two paths that can be followed when setting up your hotel database. The first is the Stand Alone Hotel, were all of the information for the hotel is entered into a new database built from scratch at the hotel. The second more typical install is a Corporate Install were the initial database is loaded from the Internet, a CD or a Network drive. The Installation guide describes these two processes in greater detail.


If yours is a Stand Alone Install follow the directions for Creating Your Hotel Database. This option provides instructions on setting standards, system preferences, defining standard maintenance tasks, building the equipment, room and staff lists.


For a Corporate Install, were a group of hotels use shared preferences, see Completing Your Database. Use this option when you have downloaded or copied a prebuilt database; that contains your equipment list and corporate defaults for standards, preferences, maintenance tasks and room check lists.


Creating Your Hotel Database

Completing Your Database


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