Hotel PM

Creating Your Database

Begin the process of defining a hotel by creating a new database for the data to reside in. Hotel PM installs with a sample(DEMO) database which allows you to explore the system features without having to build your own database. You can always return to the sample database if you have the need. However, it is best to create a new file to hold the information for your hotel.


From the System menu you will need to turn on the utility commands. These are special database commands that are not used in the day-to-day functions of the Hotel PM program. Go to System->View, as shown below and click the "Utility Commands" option.

View the Utility Commands

This will make the set of database Utility Commands visible in the System Menu.

Open Database


Select Open Database from the expanded System menu, shown above, then click on the New Tab when the Open Database window appears. It is important to select New and not Existing or Recent.

Opening a New Database


By default database files will be stored in the same folder as the Hotel PM program. If you would prefer to change this use the drive and folder navigation tools to locate the folder where you would like the database to be stored. The text box on the right hand side of the screen shows any existing database files. You should not use any of these names as they would cause the existing data to be erased.


Enter the name for your new file in the lower box on the right side of the window (FileName in the figure to the left.) The .mdb extension will be added to the file name if you do not include it. The click the Create New File button and the new file will be created.


Hotel PM will return to the main screen. Your new file name will be visible in the lower left side of the Hotel PM window. You are now ready to enter data for your hotel. Hotel PM is capable of coordinating multiple hotels, but we will save that discussion for later in the User Guide.


The process of creating a hotel database has six (6) major steps.


Identify the Hotel

Establish Standards and Defaults

Add Guest Rooms, Meeting Rooms and Public Areas

Add Equipment Locations and Service Areas

Add Hotel Equipment

Add Staff and Contractors



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