Hotel PM

Building the Equipment List

Initial Equipment List


Open the Equipment List by clicking on Equipment from the Data Menu or from the Data icon on the toolbar. In either case the initial Equipment List will be empty. Before proceeding please be sure you have reviwed and made any necesaary changes to the Equipment Codes .


Having done this we are ready to begin adding Equipment to the Database. One additional thought at this point is that when Hotel PM refers to equipment the term is used very broadly. It it not limited to physical equipment but rather includes anythinig that needs regular preventive maintenance and does not fit into one of the room categories.


Click the Add button in the lower left corner of the Equipment List window to open the Add Equipment window. See the next page(Add Equipment) for an overview of the process of adding equipment to your hotel database. A more complete description of all the Equipment related commands can be found in Equipment List under the Data menu.


After you are done adding Equipment to the list you should see each piece of equipment represented by a single line in the Equipment list. For further information on how to Edit, Copy or Delete equipment refer to the Equipment List  pages under the Data Menu.

Equipment List

Please note that the concept of equipment need not be limited to physical pieces of equipment. Any regular maintenance activity can be identified as a piece of equipment. Thus pressure washing the exterior of a building or regular cleaning of the parking lot can be scheduled as easily as filter changes in an air conditioner.


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