Hotel PM

Completing Your Database

The Hotel PM support staff has taken the equipment information that was entered into the on-line Asset Track system and created a basic database for your hotel. This database contains the hotel equipment, standard maintenance tasks, standard room check lists, a default staff list, and other default system preferences. It does not yet contain room information or maintenance start dates. This section of the User Guide describes how you can verify existing information, add additional detail and start the process of scheduling preventive maintenance for the equipment and rooms in your hotel.


The first step is to Review the Equipment information that was collected from the Asset Track system. While reviewing the equipment you can also add greater detail to equipment record in the Hotel PM database.


The basic database contains default Maintenance Tasks for each equipment category and subcategory. These are the minimum maintenance proceeds for a generic hotel. This is the time to review the default maintenance procedures and determine if they need to be modified for your hotel.


Information for Guest Rooms (Suites), Meeting Rooms and Public Spaces can be generated with the Room Setup Wizard . This wizard will simplify the task of creating room data for the hotel. Taking a few moment to review the instructions for the Room Setup Wizard will help the process go smoothly. The Room Setup Wizard can also generate "In Room HVAC Units" for each Guest Room in the hotel when this is necessary.


Included in the database are standard Room Check Lists for each of the basic room types. Take a few minutes to print and review the default Room Check Lists to be sure they are applicable to your hotel.


Once you have completed these section you will be ready to Begin Scheduling Maintenance tasks for the rooms and equipment in your hotel.


Review Equipment

Review Maintenance Tasks

Run the Room Setup Wizard

Review Room Check Lists

Begin Scheduling Maintenance


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