The Semi-Annual Service tab provides
for the creation of a semi-annual service task for each piece of equipment.
To establish a semi-annual service task click on the tab then place a check in
the Semi-annual Service Required box by clicking on it. When
defining semi-annual service it is necessary to enter the Next
Service date, an Estimated Time required to perform
the tasks, and the Instructions and Materials list associated
with this task. The Last Service data can also be entered but
is not required.
The Next Service date is required to begin the maintenance process. Without it the Hotel PM system would be unable to schedule maintenance for this piece of equipment. The Last Service date is optional. Once the Hotel PM system begins scheduling equipment maintenance it will automatically update the Next and Last service dates has work orders are issued and completed.
The Estimate Time required for this task is entered in hours or decimal fractions of an hour. For example 15 minutes would be .25 hours. While this is only an estimate, it is used during the scheduling of equipment preventive maintenance when comparing possible tasks against the available man hours. Accurate estimates will make the scheduling process better. See Equipment Maintenance under the Scheduling Menu for additional details.
The Instructions and Materials area on the service tab is a free form text area. Details of the semi-annual maintenance task can be entered as itemized lists or paragraphs or a combination of both. The information entered here will appear on the work orders generated for this task.
Semi-annual Service tasks are intended to be performed every one hundred eighty (180) days. The Hotel PM system uses the Next Service date to select tasks during the maintenance scheduling process. Once a work order is issued for this task it is placed in the pending list and will not be scheduled again until the issued work order has been completed. Has each work order is completed the Next and Last service dates are revised and the task is removed from the pending list. For semi-annual service tasks the completion date is entered in the Last service date, 180 days is then added to the completion date to determine the Next service date.