Hotel PM

Managing Rooms

Now that the rooms for your hotel have been generated (see Room Setup Wizard ) what's next? There are two major commands that provide for the ongoing organization of room maintenance information. The first and foremost is the scheduling of room maintenance. The second is the collection of additional room specific information. In addition to these basic functions there are a number of commands that will assist you in developing a comprehensive room information database for your hotel.


Scheduling of room maintenance is done through the Schedule command which can be accessed from the Tool Bar or the Menu Bar. This is the heart of the Hotel PM program and allows you to schedule rooms for regular maintenance as they become available. The figure below shows the Scheduling commands on the Menu Bar. Select the Room PM option by clicking on it in the drop down list. For a complete description of Scheduling Room preventive maintenance see Scheduling Room PM .

Scheduling Room PM


The Hotel PM program provides a central collection point for information about the individual rooms in your hotel. Using the Room List you can provide additional information about a room, special instructions, the HVAC system, and an inventory for the room. The Room List also provides the ability to add, edit and if necessary delete rooms from the hotel database. The Room List is accessed from the Tool Bar,  shown below, or the Data command on the Menu Bar. For a description of editing information in the Room List see Editing Room Data .

Accessing Room List from the Tool Bar


Scheduling Room PM

Working with the Room List 


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