Hotel PM

Edit a Room

Edit Room Schedule


Using the Edit comand you can modify or complete the data for a Room by selecting a room from the Room List then clicking on the Edit button.

The Edit screen begins by showing the basic room description:

1) Hotel
2) Room Type, Meeting, Public, or Guest
3) Room Number or Name
4) a Brief Room Description


The lower portion of the Edit screen provides access to additional room data from five (5) tabbed sections.

The first tab contains Scheduling information for the Room.

1) Frequency of service in days
2) Length of time to allow for service to be performed in hours
3) Date of the Next Scheduled service
4) Date that the Last PM service was performed for this Room

Edit Room Service Information


The Service tab provides access to information that your staff may need to know when serviving this Room.

1) Electric Panel number or identifier
2) Numberof the breaker for this room
3) Location of Electrical Panel
4) Location of the Water cut-off valve for this room


The HVAC tab provides access to information about the heating and air conditioning system for this room, that may be usefull when servicing the room.

1) Filter size or model description
2) Motor model or description
3) Heater model or description
4) Breaker number for the HVAC equipment


Edit Room HVAC Information

The Inventory tab provide space for listing up to twelve (12) items the are in the room. This can be such things as a Television, Mattresses, Furniture, Mini-Bar, Safe, or other items of note. For each item in the room Inventory you can enter the following:

1) Item Name or Description
2) Date it was Installed in the room
3) an ID or serial number


The final tab is provides space for Special Instructions that you wish to have printed on the PM work order for this room. This information can be brief or can be composed of several paragraphs depending on your needs.




EDit Room Inventory

Edit Room Instructions

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