Hotel PM

Room Maintenance

Room Prevetive Maintenance

Click on the word Rooms in the scheduling drop-down list from the Tool Bar or selected Room PM from the Scheduling menu to begin the process of assigning Rooms for preventive maintenance. 

Room Maintenance List




Since Preventive Maintenance (PM) for rooms must be scheduled when the rooms are free; the system displays a list of all unscheduled rooms in the hotel. That is only those rooms with an open maintenance request are omitted from the list.



To assist in the scheduling process the Room List can be sorted in a number of different ways. This is done by clicking on a column heading. Rooms can be sorted by type, room number, due date, last service date or time required for service. Click on the column heading once to sort the list in ascending order by that heading. If you click on the same heading twice the list will be sorted in descending order by that heading.



Room Maintenance List




The figures at the left show a sample list sorted by room type and then by due date. Judicious use of this sorting capability and your facility schedule will allow efficient scheduling of room maintenance.


To schedule a room click in the Assign To column for the desired room and select the appropriate staff member from the drop down list which appears. To remove a room from the assigned list simply erase the name from the Assign To column.








Once you have scheduled the desired rooms click the Schedule button to generate work orders for all of the rooms that were assigned. Each work order includes service information from the room database and a comprehensive checklist designed for the room type. See the sample work order which appears below. First in a close up then in a full page view, that illustrates the room check list.

Issued Room PM Work Order

Room Maintenance Work Order

It is also possible to assign room PM tasks in multiple blocks.  When you have a large hotel you might assign Meeting rooms first then Public areas and finally the Guest Rooms. Note also that once a work order is issued for a room, that room will not be included in the scheduling screen until the current work order has been completed. When a work order is completed the next service date is determined and the room is returned to the schedule list.


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