Hotel PM

Open Database

The Hotel PM system comes with a sample database, which can be used to familiarize you and your staff with the system and its features. When you are ready to enter the information for your hotel a new database shoukd be created. Select Open Database from the System Menu to open the database window.


System Menu

Open New Database


The Open Database window has three tabs, one for each of its possible functions. New is used to create an fresh database for a new hotel or group of hotels managed from a central location. Exisitng allows you to scan the folders on your computer for any previously created database. While Recent provides quick access to the most recently used databases.


In most cases on the demo databse supplied with the Hotel PM system and a database for live data will be used. The use of multiple databases can be problematic. Causing confusiong and misfiling of information. To this end the use of multiple databases should be undertaken with great care.


The system will always return to the last database used.




Descriptions of the Open Database Options are based on the tab selected.









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