Hotel PM

New Database

Open New Database


To open a new database click on the New tab in Open Database window. By default the Hotel PM will create new databases in the same directory has the program. That is \Program Files\HotelPM. If you would like to use a different folder or drive you may do so at this time.


The file names in the right hand window represent exisitng data base files and should not be used for your new file name. If you select an exisitng name you will be warned that the existing file will be overwritten if you proceed. This is not recommeneded.


You are encouraged to pick a meaningful name for your database that will allow you to easily identify it. The mdb extension will be automatically appeneded to your file name and need not be entered. Entering an alternate extension will cause the alternate extension to be used. It is recommended that the mdb extension be used for all Hotel Pm database files.


Once you have entered the desired name click the Create New File button to proceed with the creration of the new database. The new database will default values in the Action Taken, Equipment Code, Problem Code and Room Check List tables. That is information specified under the System Menu . The Hotel, Room, Equipment and Staff lists will be empty. That is information specified from the Data Menu must be entered for each newly crerated database. Refer to the System and Data menus for details on changing and adding information to the database.




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