Hotel PM

Hotel List

The Hotel List provides easy access to the hotels maintained from a single site. In many cases this will be a single hotel. In some cases this might be 10 or more hotels. The Hotel PM system has no built in limitations to the number of hotels it can handle. It is rather the practicle limit of coordinating multiple sites from a single location that will determine how many hotels can be managed from a single computer. While several smaller hotels may be managed easily from a central site, you will find it much easier to manange the maintenance activities of a larger facility from its own database. You will also fing that the system can activate many time saving features when a single hotel is defined by the database.


The Hotel List provide the ability to Add, Edit, and when necessary Delete hotels from the database. To add a hotel simply click the Add button to open the New Hotel window. To edit or delete a hotel you should first click on the desired hotel in the list, then click the Edit or Delete button, to open the appropriate window.


When you are done using the Hotel List click on the Close button to put it away.


Hotel List

Hotel List Management Commands





Multiple Hotel List


When multiple hotels are managed from a single site the Contractor command allows you to assign staff members and contractors to specific hotels. This simolifies the process of assigning staff to work orders and lessens the probability for incorrent assignments.


For single hotel usage all staff members and contractors are assigned to that hotel when they are entered into the system database.


For additional information see the Assign Contractor command.


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