The system allows you to copy the information for a previously entered Room as the base information for one or more additional rooms. The Copy comand functions much the same as the Add command except the the initial data for the new room is copied from the selected existing room. All information about the selected Room other than the romm Number/Name is copied for the new room. This includes service Scheduling information, Service cut-off data, HVAC information, the room Inventory and any special Instructions.
Access is provided to all of the information, so it can be modified, as necessary for the new room. It is also possible to access the room information from the Edit command to make further modifications to the data.
After the first new room has been added the system will allow for additional rooms to be
added from the base data for the room just entered.
For additional information, see the Add and Edit commands. For a more complete description of the various fields and tabs on the Room data entry screens see the Add command.