Hotel PM 

Edit Check List

Edit Check List provides the facilities to develop custom Room inspection lists for each type of room in your hotel. The check lists are printed with the work order for each room when the maintenance tasks for that room are scheduled. The check list itself can be as brief or as detailed as your situation requires.

Edit Room Checklist

The top of the window provides a list which contains the available room types. These are MEET for meeting, conference, ball rooms, etc.; PUBLIC for lobbies, restrooms, offices, etc.; and ROOM for guest rooms.  On the left side of the window is a list of the checklist headings for the selected room type. On the right side of the window is a list of the items or tasks for the current heading. Text boxes and buttons below each list allow you to Add, Modify or Delete individual Tasks and Headings.


When you change the room type by clicking on a name in list the Headings for that room type will be displayed in the left hand window. Likewise clicking on a specific heading will change the item list to show tasks for the selected heading. Comparing the Sample checklist below with the Edit menu above should help in visualizing how the checklist is built.


Room Maintenance Check List

For additional information see:

Status Codes

Print Check List Data

Print Sample Check List

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