Hotel PM

Downloading Hotel PM

These instructions will help you download the Hotel PM software. This is the first step to better management of hotel maintenance!


The Setup program for the Hotel PM system is about 17Mb in size. For this reason we do not recommend  downloading the program unless you have a high speed Internet connection. That is to say a broadband cable, DSL, T1 or higher speed connection. If you are connecting to the Internet via a dial-up connection you should contact us to obtain a copy of the setup program on a CD.


Using Internet Explorer­® or other browser go to the Computer Ingenuity Associates web site, shown below.

CIA Splash Page

Click on the opening screen where it says ‘Click to Enter’

CIA Home Page

Then, on our Home page, click on the link labeled ‘Hotel Preventative Maintenance Software'. Your can also click on the "Hotel PM" logo to get to the Hotel PM information page, shown below.

CIA Hotel PM

Next click on the "Information for Current Users " at the bottom of the page, below the computer image. This will open the Documentation and Download page for the Hotel PM program. On this page you will find valuable information about the Hotel PM program and the link to the current setup program.

Pm Documents and Downloads Pages

Select the appropriate setup version for your hotel and click on that line. If you have not been given more specific instructions select the full install with the highest number. Do not select an "Update" setup before running the full install.  

After clicking on the Hotel PM link, you may be given a choice to either ‘Run this program from its current location’ or ‘Save this program to disk’.  Choose to Save the file to your computer by clicking the ‘Save’ button.

Download Dialog Box

At the top of the Save As screen, click on the drop down list and select Desktop as the location to save the file.  Then, click the Save button.  The name of the setup program in this example is ‘HPM205Setup.EXE’. Check the Dialog box for the name of the current Setup program.

Save Setup As Dialog

When the download is complete, there will be a new icon with the Setup file name on the Windows desktop.  Close Internet Explorer to view the Desktop.  Start the installation of the Hotel PM by double clicking on this icon.

Setup Icon


Continue with the Installation Guide


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