Hotel PM

Reviewing Requests

The Status Menu prvides the facility to quickly review the current status of Work Orders in the system. Reguardless of the filters you apply to select a set of requests the resulting set of requests are presented as a list. The window title indicates the class of requets that it contains. Such as the request list below which contians "Open Equipment Requests." The commands along the bottom of the window provide tools that work with the entire list or with a selected request.

Review Open Requests


In the event you select a group of requests which is empty the system will display a message similar to the following.


No Request Found


If your request list is larger than the available space in the window a scroll bar along the right edge of the window allows you to position the list to find a particular work order. By Clicking on a workorder in the list you can select it for further processing. The color of the selected reqest is reversed to highlight it.

Review All PM Requets


Options avaialble from the Request List window are:

Edit -- to edit the data associated with the selected request

Print -- will print a complete work order ticket for the selected request

Print List -- prints a quick summary of all the requests in the list

Tickets -- prints short work order tickets for all the requests in the list

Delete -- allows you to delete the selected request

Close -- is used to put the request list away when you are done with it.



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