Hotel PM

Upgrading Hotel PM

Upgrades to the Hotel PM program are released periodically as new features and enhancements to existing features are made to better serve our client base. In general upgrades will be designed for easy installation and to preserve the integrity of your existing database. The notes here provide an overview of the process for upgrading from one version of Hotel PM to the next. You should refer to the specific directions that accompany each update of the program for the exact procedures.


While every precaution to protect the existing data for your Hotel is taken when preparing a Hotel PM update the importance of backing up your data cannot be over emphasized. Hardware failures, power outages or other issues beyond our control can interrupt the upgrade process and potentially cause damage to your database. If you have not yet done so it is prudent to make a backup copy of the Hotel PM system before beginning the upgrade process.


After obtaining the upgrade from the CIA web site, on a CD or other appropriate source you should run the update install program. This will update the actual Hotel PM program. Be sure to archive you update in a safe location in case it is needed again.


The next time you run the Hotel PM program it will check the version of your database and make any changes that may be needed. A dialog box similar to the one below will appear during the start up process. Click the Begin Update button to upgrade your database. If you have multiple database files they will each be upgraded when they are next opened with the new version of the program.


Upgrading the Hotel PM Database

For Users of version 1.2.x or earlier versions of Hotel PM

Please note that the upgrade path from version 1.2.x of the PM program to version 2.0.x is handled by a separate utility that will be available in early 2004. The changes to the database when upgrading from version 1.2.x to version 2.0.x are significant and require user interaction. contact for information about this upgrade process.


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