Hotel PM

System Settings


System Settings cover four basic items. First is the System Owner. This option allows you to specify a compant name that will be used on print outs and reports created by the Hotel PM system.

Specification of the system owner is dependent on the specification of a valid serial number for the Hotel PM system. Until a valid serial number is supplied the system will identify all output with the "Hotel PM Demo" label. In addition certain commands will cause a Registration reminder dialog to be displayed until a valid serial number has been entered. A valid serial number can be obtained by contacting Computer Ingenuity Associates or Tsoftware.


The default value for the man-hours is entered from this tab of the System Preference window. If no other value is used the system will assume 0.5 hours, one-half hour, for any man time values that are requestred.


Finally you can decide if new Service Calls will be printed as they are entered into the system database. Placing a check in the box will cause each to Service Request to be printed when it is entered. No preview will be show service calls are automatically sent to the default printer. If the check box is left empty then the you must specifically request that new service calls be printed by clicking on Print rather that saved after the service calll has been entered.


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