Hotel PM

Summary Reports

Summary Report Menu

Summary Reports provide you with the ability to produce a statistical review of completed work orders. In a summary report you select one of three basic types, Hotel, Month or Staff. This determines the column headings used in the report. The number of requests and the actual man hours required to complete the requests are totaled for each category of request. Categories are the three basic types of request, Equipment Maintenance (EQ), Room Maintenance (RM) and Service Calls (SC). Each category can be divided into sub-categories. For equipment maintenance the Equipment Codes are used to define sub-categories. For Room maintenance requests the room types, meeting, public and guest are used for sub-categories. Finally Service Calls are sub divided by Problem Codes.


For all type of Summary Report totals can be produced by sub-category or by categories alone. When sub-categories are included, you also have the option of including sub totals for each category. Based on the type of summary report requested the system allows you to refine the requests that will be included in the report.


Summary by Hotel

Summary Report by Hotel

For Summary reports by Hotel you have the option of specifying the year and either a specific month or the Year-to-Date (YTD). Select the desired time span and report options then click the Print button.  A print preview window will be opened allowing you to view the report on screen. The figure below shows the general format of a Hotel Summary Report. If your database contains more than one hotel additional columns will be added to the report for each hotel.


Hotel Summary Report Preview

Summary by Month

Summary Report by Month

The Summary Report by Month allows you to select the year, and when applicable a specific hotel. In this case the months will be used as the column headings in the report. The figure below shows a portion of the report preview. In this report sub-totals are included for each major request category. This sample report was run at the end of February, so only January and February contain completed work orders.

Monthly Suimmary Report Preview

Summary by Staff

Summary Report by Staff

The Summary Report by Staff provides a number of options for organizing the report. As with all summary reports the year to be covered is specified. The month to be covered or YTD (Year-to-Date) can be selected. Next you have the option of selecting a single hotel. If your database contains more than one hotel leaving this field blank will include all the hotels in a single report. Finally the optional Mechanic Group code can be used to limit the staff members or contractors that are included in the report.


Staff Summary Report Preview


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