Hotel PM

Screen Management

The Hotel PM program exhibits many of the screen or window management functions that are typical of all Windows based software. The exact appearance of the screens will vary slightly in the different versions of windows but the essential functions remain the same.


The main screen of the Hotel PM program can be sized to occupy all or only a portion of your Desktop. The figure below illustrates the Hotel PM program in a partial screen mode.

Partial Screen Mode

Notice that the Window's Desktop is visible behind the Hotel PM main Screen. The child window, the equipment window is shown here, is only partially visible in the main Hotel PM window. Note also the vertical and horizontal scroll bars on the main PM screen. These scroll bar can be used to reposition the visible area of the main Hotel PM screen and view the hidden portions of the child window. In the figure below the main screen horizontal scroll bar has been repositioned so that the right side of the equipment child window can be seen. Note also that the cursor changes to a double headed arrow when it is placed on top, bottom, or sides of the child window. Clicking and dragging the cursor while it is displayed as the double headed arrow will stretch of shrink the child window.

Main Window Scroll Bars

We recommend that the Hotel PM program be sized to utilize the full size of your computer Desktop. This can be done by clicking and dragging but is generally done using the buttons in the upper right of each windows screen. A magnified view of the control boxes is shown below. There are three buttons that make up the control box. Working from right to left we have; Exit or Close (the X), Maximize or Restore (a single box or two boxes) and Minimize (an underscore.)

Windows Size ControlsControl Box when Maximized

Working with the control boxes on the main Hotel PM screen these boxes have the following functions. Clicking the right most box (the X) will exit the Hotel PM program. Clicking the left (underscore) button will minimize the PM program to the Windows TaskBar. The middle button (the single or double box) allows you to quickly change to size of the main Hotel PM window. When this middle button is displayed as a single box, clicking it will expand the main Hotel PM program to fill the entire Desktop. The double box appearance of the middle button indicates that you are in the maximized screen mode. Clicking this button will resize the main window downward, revealing a portion of the Window's Desktop.


The Hotel PM program uses child windows to display the information requested by the commands you select from the MenuBar and the ToolBar.  Many of these windows can be sized to fit your screen better. In some instances portions of the child window may be hidden from view in the main Hotel PM screen. The image below illustrates this with a child window that is hidden beyond the  left edge of the screen. Note the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the main Hotel PM window.

Full Screen Hotel PM window

You can view more of the child window by sliding the scroll bar at the bottom or right side (not visible above) of the main screen. You can also reposition the child window by clicking on the bar at the top of the window, see the arrow in the figure below) and dragging the window to a new position within the main window. The horizontal and vertical scroll bars on the main screen will change with the position of the child windows that are visible at any given time.

Repositioing a Child Window

Like the Hotel PM main screen each child window has a set of control button in the upper right corner of the window. Like the main window you can minimize, resize and close the child window using these buttons. Hotel PM windows without the control buttons require an action on your part before other portions of the program can be accessed and as such cannot be reduced. When a child window is maximized it will occupy the entire work area of the Hotel PM program; hiding all other child windows from view. The next two figures show the Maximize button on a child window and then the child window once it has been maximized.

Maximizing a Child Window

Maximized Child Window

Note that when a child window is maximized its control buttons appear just below the main Hotel PM control buttons. The Hotel PM program allows you to have multiple child windows open at any given time. The figures below illustrate how multiple windows might appear on the Hotel PM screen. Notice that the Windows command found in the MenuBar maintains a list of the open child windows. You can switch between open child windows by clicking on the visible portion of a background window or by clicking on the window name in Window command.

Multiple Windows

Here the Review ALL S.C. and P.M. Requests window is in the foreground, see the check mark in the Window command drop down list.

Multiple Windows View 2


Multiple Windows Hidden

Note that when one window is maximized the others are hidden behind it. When you change to a different window using the drop down list the next child window is also displayed in the maximized view.


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