Hotel PM

Requests by
Equipment Type

This report option allows for the selection of Equipment maintenance requests between two selected dates. The requests can be from one or all hotels in the database. Leave the hotel name field blank to select all hotels. By default all equipment maintenance requests entered between the two dates are included in the report. By specifying a particular Equipment Code of a specific equipment number you can target the requests that will be included in the report.

Report by Equiment Options

Requests can be Grouped in one of four ways to make the report easy to interpret. The default is to group the requests by Hotel. Alternately you can have the requests grouped by Engineer, that is staff member or contractor. The requests can be grouped by Equipment Code or they can be ordered by request number.

Report Preview

The Format option controls the level of detail that is included in the report. Hotel PM provides four levels of detail from Full to Quick. Full prints each request on its own page, for room maintenance this will include the complete room checklist. When short is selected three requests are printed per page. Brief and Quick provide reduced levels of detail about each request. With Brief you will see about ten requests per page, while Quick prints about 20 requests per page.


Once you have selected the options for your desired report click the Print button to produce a preview of your report. With all reports the preview window, shown at the left, can be sized to provide better on screen viewing. The magnifying glass toggles between zoom in and zoom out modes. The printer will open a print dialog to send all or part of the report to a printer.


As with other reports the equipment report options window will remain open, allowing you to produce different variations of the report. When you are done, click the Close button to exit the options window.




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