To add the "Guestroom PTAC" subcategory follow these easy steps. Begin by selecting "System" from the Menu Bar commands. Then select "Equipment Categories" followed by "Edit." The figure below illustrates the selection process from the menu bar.
Having done this the Equipment Category window will be opened on the Hotel PM screen, similar to the figure below.
The left side of the screen lists the equipment categories. The right side of the screen shows the subcategories for the selected category. When the window is first opened the top category will be selected, notice that it is highlighted. Click on another category and you will see the subcategory list change.
For the problem at hand you should click on the HVAC category. When the subcategory list changes scroll down through the list checking for the "Guestroom PTAC" category, see the figure below. If you find the "Guestroom PTAC" subcategory in the existing list then you are done and can click on the Close button. If like the figure below the "Guestroom PTAC" subcategory does not appear then you need to add it to the subcategory list. Type the next subcategory number and the name "Guestroom PTAC" in the two text boxes below the subcategory list. The figure below illustrates this step. The click the "Add" button just above the text boxes and the new subcategory will be added to the list. You can then click the "Close" button. Your changes are saved when the "Add" button is clicked.
Clicking the "Close" button will return you to the main Hotel PM screen. From there you can follow either of the next two steps of this discussion.
Printing the Equipment Category List